SEO RFP Template with Sample Questions

In the need for an SEO request for proposal (RFP) template? We’ve got you covered.

Instead of using Google to search through tons of websites to find a usable template, simply download the free SEO RFP template below.

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If you are vetting SEO agencies and need an SEO RFP template that can be customized to your needs, simply enter your email and we will instantly send you the template.

Vetting an SEO agency can be an exhaustive task. Going through an SEO RFP process will allow you to gather proposals from different companies and compare them side by side based on the predetermined criteria you set forth. This allows you to make the most informed decision for your website.

Don’t let the world of search engine optimization scare you, especially if you’re not yet as familiar with SEO as you’d like to be.

In addition to creating this free SEO RFP template, I’ve broken down the RFP process into snack-able bites that will be easier to digest, including a breakdown of the types of questions you’ll want to see in an RFP.

What Is an SEO RFP Exactly?

If you’re new to SEO RFPs, they’re not as complicated as some people make them out to be. In a nutshell, an SEO RFP lets you examine proposals from agencies that specialize in SEO. That way, you can see which firm has the best deal and better tailor the proposals to your liking.

These proposals also allow you as a client to make a better decision. That way, you won’t be wasting time with firms that aren’t willing to compromise or work with you in a professional manner.

Why Use an SEO RFP Template?

Typical RFPs often leave out some critical details. In addition to that, it’s usually a long, arduous process. Your questions need to be high-quality and well thought out since an answer can only be as good as the proposed question. By using our template, you’re ensuring that you’ll get high-quality answers.

It’s also critical to make sure both parties are on the same page. That’s another reason why an SEO RFP template is so useful. Because it lays out all the information plainly, you’ll be able to eliminate issues like miscommunication, especially in regard to the cost and fees, as well as the actual work and deliverables involved. With a solid SEO RFP, there shouldn’t be any grey area.

Using our provided SEO RFP template will not only save you time but in the long run, it’ll also save you money. Although there’s no “one size fits all” for an SEO RFP, our template is customizable enough to provide you with a comprehensive proposal.

Download Now: Free SEO RFP Template

If you are vetting SEO agencies and need an SEO RFP template that can be customized to your needs, simply enter your email and we will instantly send you the template.

Common Areas to Cover Within an SEO RFP

Although every RFP should make inquiries that are specific to the business, there are still some more generic queries that can help you sort through responding firms. If you’re a business owner, here are some questions you’ll most likely want to be answered through an SEO RFP.

The Company

So, are you familiar with the company name? What is this agency exactly? What’s their history? These are critical questions that should be posed in an SEO RFP. You should ask them for information like:

  • A condensed history of the firm
  • Who would be a good contact to reach out to
  • The company’s address, email, and phone number
  • The agency’s yearly revenue
  • How many offices and how many employees the agency has

You could also ask about their client history, such as how they’ve used SEO to help other clients, along with any references of past clients they’d be willing to share with you. What past deliverables have been successful?

Although it’s up to you, it’s always a good idea to inquire about any lawsuits the agency in question has been involved in, just in case.


An SEO strategy is your primary goal here. That being said, an SEO RFP should include a few questions about the approach. You’ll want to ask about the strategy, the potential opportunity for growth, and the SEO process. It might also be insightful to ask about SEO trends or a general (but current) market assessment of SEO.

Within the topic of approach, you might also want to inquire about their mobile and local strategies. In the 21st century — the age of Google and social media — most people use their mobile phones to search for topics online, so a solid mobile approach for SEO is crucial.

Web design and web development can also affect your results. So, it’s worth asking about how the marketing teams handle your website (or lack thereof).


Because agencies sometimes use other tools, an SEO RFP should also include what types of software they use when providing SEO services, if they do use third-party software or technology like Google Analytics.

You can inquire about what information they’ll give you on a regular basis with regards to SEO, too. Along those lines, you might also want to ask how they plan to update you about activities, upcoming projects, and the like.

This section is also a great time to ask them to show you some recent SEO performance reports.

Off-page vs. On-page

What are some of the strategies that will be used to improve your ranking with off-site factors? On the other hand, how are they going to ascertain which keywords will be most fruitful? Other on-page aspects you might want to inquire about include:

  • How they conduct keyword research
  • Their stance on the importance of site and in-house content, as well as content marketing. Digital marketing also comes into play here.
  • If they have the ability to offer guidance on content that’s built for SEO
  • How they’ll assess other on-site factors and make suggestions based on those factors


Although this is probably the most apparent topic you’ll want to cover, pricing is absolutely essential to an SEO RFP. You can’t have a successful RFP if you don’t cover costs. You’ll want to ask for a pricing proposal that covers all the fees you’ll potentially have to pay. Here, you should ask exactly what’s included and what’s not.

Quick Tips for Writing an SEO RFP

There’s a plethora of information that should be included in an SEO RFP. In order to best appeal to the entity you’re writing a proposal to, here are a couple of quick tips and tricks to keep in mind as you outline your RFP.

Make sure your RFP is clear.

If your SEO RFP is confusing or doesn’t make sense to the party that’s reviewing it, it most likely won’t result in an SEO business partnership or deal. That’s why our SEO RFP template is so handy for clients to use.

Be sure to come across as knowledgeable as possible.

If you approach companies and ask them to put SEO on your site or “turn SEO on,” the agencies might doubt your credibility. Although clients aren’t necessarily expected to be SEO experts, you should have a working knowledge of SEO and why you want to employ it on your site.

The Bottom Line

If there’s one key takeaway you should get from this breakdown of the RFP process, it’s that when you’re looking to find an expert SEO agency, you should be asking what they can do for you.

After all, that’s what SEO RFPs are for. You should be able to evaluate if it’s worth your while to strike up a business relationship with a firm, based on their SEO capabilities and expertise.

If the SEO or marketing agency isn’t a good fit for you, then it’s not a good fit. You have to tailor the SEO RFP to coax the right answers out of the agency side. With clear feedback, you’ll have no doubts about whether or not the relationship will benefit you.

Download Now: Free SEO RFP Template

If you are vetting SEO agencies and need an SEO RFP template that can be customized to your needs, simply enter your email and we will instantly send you the template.

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