
The Many Google Blogs You Didn’t Know Existed

It’s no secret that Google is full of different resources for just about every company and organization out there—nonprofits, education organizations and schools, franchise companies, etc. Every company has somewhere they can go to make the most of what Google has to offer. However, what many don’t realize is that Google also has several blogs on the web that are publishing valuable information, in real-time, every few days.

In other words, the official Google Blog isn’t the only one you might want to be reading. Each of the blogs focuses on information for a certain audience. If you ever have a question or want to know what’s happening with Google that may affect your company, you don’t have to wait until the news hits some of the blogs you read regularly—just go right to the source.

Different Google Blogs You May Want to be Reading

Below are some of the different Google blogs out there and what they have to offer, going from most to least popular:

The Official Google Blog.

We have to mention it. This is considered Google’s general blog and is the one where the most significant announcements are made, no matter what department or audience they may appeal to most. This includes insights into their products, technology, and the Google culture.

The Webmaster Central Blog.

This blog offers official news on crawling and indexing sites for the Google index. This is potentially the most popular blog out there for Webmasters of any type because it covers all the latest algorithm updates and changes. It’s a great place to come and learn ways to improve your SEO as well as talk with other Webmasters about the latest news.

The Google Developers Blog.

This blog offers new insights on Google platforms, tools, and events, and is catered toward developers. Here you will find a lot of tips and news regarding coding, HTML, flash, and other aspects of a developer’s job. If you’re not a developer this can still be a good blog to read for more technical info, but it’s ultimately the most useful for those who understand the specifics of development. After all, it’s written by Google developers.

The Google Apps Developer Blog.

As you might have guessed, this blog is all about creating apps and different things developers need to know when creating apps. Now that mobile efforts are becoming crucial to a company’s success, app development is exploding. There is quite a bit of news out there on the subject, so this is a good one for all types of company’s to keep their eyes on in the future.

The Google Research Blog.

This blog covers the latest news from research at Google. The content you will read here is actually cross-posted on the Google Apps Developer blog and Google Developers blog in a lot of cases, but it’s still a good place to go if those other two blogs aren’t something that interest you. If you want to know what Google is researching and possible ways that you can get on the ground floor to try whatever they’re working on, this is your blog.

The Google Chrome Blog.

This is one blog that many don’t know about, but it offers the latest news from the Google Chrome team. Subjects you’ll find here include a lot of information about the Chromebook and different features and apps that are added to it each day. Much of the content you’ll find here is also cross-posted on the Google for Education blog.

The Google for Education Blog.

According to the tagline, this blog is the official source for information about Google’s education-related efforts. In other words, this is the blog where you’ll hear about some of the latest apps or research being developed for education all the way to blog posts about the winners of the Google Science Fair. If you’re interested in education, this blog will show you some of those lesser-known Google initiatives where you can get involved.

The Official Google for Work Blog.

This blog isn’t nearly as popular as the rest, most likely because its message isn’t quite as clear. The Google for Work Blog seems to cover just about everything that you might need for, well, work. It’s a place for business decision makers to learn about their products and how customers can use them. This includes Google Apps, Chromebooks, and more, so you’ll find a lot of this content cross-posted on some of the other blogs mentioned.

Google for Nonprofits Blog.

A nonprofit company often functions differently and has different needs and goals than a traditional company. Google has done a great job accommodating with programs such as Google Grants, the YouTube Nonprofit program, and nonprofit apps, which you can learn more about here. The blog will help give you real-time information about what they’re doing to improve their nonprofit efforts.

The YouTube Official Blog.

Remember that Google does own YouTube, so they have a lot of insider information when it comes to YouTube best practices. Now that video is growing and becoming more crucial to your marketing strategy, keeping up with YouTube changes and advancements (which are frequent) is key, and the blog is a great place to start your research.

Other Google Blogs for Your Business

The above blogs are just some of the most popular that may be relevant to small businesses looking to improve their online presence, but this is certainly not an extensive list. Google also has different blogs for different countries, the Green Blog, the Travel Blog, Online Security Blog, Politics and Elections Blog, the Public Policy Blog, and many, many more. See a full list of Google blogs here.

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