Conversion Optimization

42 Conversion Rate Optimization Statistics That You Need to Know in 2021


If you’re looking to turn your website visitors into leads — and, more importantly, paying customers — then you know that staying on top of the latest and greatest conversion rate optimization statistics is a must.

Unfortunately, many of the CRO statistics available online are outdated, making them irrelevant in our fast-paced digital world.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of the most recent and relevant stats to help you create an effective CRO strategy that’ll increase your conversions. Included, you’ll find the latest SEO, landing page, e-commerce, blog, and email conversion rate statistics.

What is the average conversion rate?

Across all industries, the average search conversion rate is 2.35%, which doesn’t seem very high.

That’s why it’s so important to get your website ranking for high-value keywords.

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What is a good conversion rate in 2021?

Having an 11.45% conversion rate is considered excellent.

The top 25% of companies are converting at 5.31%. This is already a significant improvement from the average conversion rate.

However, by aiming for an 11.45% conversion rate, you’ll find yourself among the top 10% of companies with the highest conversion rates.

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SEO conversion rate statistics

Here’s a list of the latest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) conversion rate statistics:

1. The first result on a Google SERP gets the highest organic click-through rate at 31.7%

By using effective SEO strategies, you can get your website to rank in the number one spot on Google and enjoy the highest click-through rate possible.

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2. Title tags with 15 to 40 characters have an 8.6% higher CTR

Shorter title tags generally perform better since it’s both easier for people to read and easier for Google to understand.

Always remember to include your main keyword in your title tag to make sure that it’s optimized for search.

3. 46% of all Google searches are for local information

If your business offers local products or services, optimizing for local SEO is a great idea.

You can achieve this through several methods, such as using local keywords, creating a Google My Business account, writing content based on local news, etc.

4. Mobile devices account for more than half of web traffic worldwide

In the first quarter of 2021, 54.8% of web searches were done via mobile devices (excluding tablets).

Your website must be responsive to guarantee that your visitors can navigate easily regardless of the device they’re using.

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5. A long-tail SEO technique outranks a broad keyword SEO technique by 3% to 6%

For SERP positions number two through five, long-tail keywords work better since it’s farther down the sales funnel.

6. The first result on Google has 3.8 times more backlinks than positions 2 to 10

It’s been proven that the number of domains linking to a page correlates with its ranking position.

So, getting backlinks from multiple sites is vital if you want to rank higher in search engine results.

7. On average, URLs in the first search position are 9.2 characters shorter than URLs in position 10

It’s important to keep your URLs short. Most of the URLs that rank on Google’s first page are between 40 and 100 characters.

8. In 2019, 45% of U.S. Millennials used voice-assisted shopping

If you haven’t yet, you need to optimize your website for voice search.

You can do this through a number of methods, such as focusing on conversational keywords, building pages that answer FAQs, optimizing your local search, etc.

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SEO Conversion Rate Referenced Sources:

Landing Page conversion rate statistics

Here’s a list of the eight most recent landing page conversion rate optimization statistics.

1. Landing pages that ask users for their age have a much lower conversion rate than those that don’t

Don’t include an “age” field in any of your online forms. It decreases the chances of conversions by 3%.

Ideally, you need to keep your form fields as low as possible — only asking for the most necessary information.

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2. Removing the navigation bar from your landing page can double your conversions

VWO used an A/B test in which they removed the navigation bar from Yuppiechef’s landing page. It resulted in signups going up from 3% to 6% — effectively doubling their conversion rate.

3. Personalized calls-to-action (CTAs) convert 202% better

Personalized CTAs, also called Smart CTAs, convert far better since they display customized CTA buttons for each website visitor based on their information.

An example of a Smart CTA can be seen below.

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4. Explainer videos can increase your conversion rate by 30% or more

As people’s attention spans continue to decline, explainer videos are a great way to keep visitors interested and give them a wealth of information quickly.

5. Most landing pages have five form fields

Your user shouldn’t feel like they’re giving more information than they’re getting back from you.

To avoid this, you need to limit your form fields appropriately according to the buyer stage that the visitor is in.

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6. Adding a floating coupon to your landing page can increase your click-through rate by 12%

A test done by Jeff Rizzo from Slumber Yard showed that the company’s click-through rate increased by 12% when they added a floating coupon to landing pages.

These coupons can be small perks such as free shipping, 5% off a future purchase, etc.

7. You can generate seven times more leads by having 31 to 40 landing pages as opposed to only having one to five

Even more impressively, businesses that have more than 40 landing pages generate 12 times more leads.

Bottom line — when it comes to lead generation, more landing pages are the way to go.

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8. The average conversion rate of a landing page is 4.02%

It’s important to take note of the average landing page conversion rate. However, you also need to consider that your conversion rate will depend on the industry that you’re in.

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Landing Page Conversion Rate Referenced Sources:

ECommerce conversion rate statistics

Having a solid eCommerce SEO strategy in place is crucial. Here are the top e-commerce conversion rate optimization statistics.

1. Digital buyers in the U.S. consist mainly of Millennial internet users with a penetration rate of 86.2%

It’s important to know who your main target audience is. By knowing which generation your audience is in, you’ll be able to measure your conversion rate a lot better.

2. ECommerce cart abandonment is often between 60% and 80%

You can increase your sales exponentially by reaching out to prospects after they’ve abandoned their cart, either via email or through cart abandonment software.

3. 50% of shoppers say that images help them decide which product they want to purchase

By investing in good product photography for your eCommerce store, clients will be far more likely to purchase your products.

4. 3.41% of users who visited eCommerce stores in the third quarter of 2020 on their tablets converted into purchases

Desktops follow tablets at 2.59% and mobile phones at 1.98%.

By making your eCommerce store responsive, your visitors will be able to browse your website seamlessly on any device.

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5. Nearly 70% of consumers are less likely to purchase a product when the page speed is low

Your eCommerce site should ideally load within two seconds. After the two-second mark, the bounce rate starts to increase.

To test your site’s speed, you can use one of the following tools: Pingdom, GTmetrix, or Google PageSpeed Insights.

6. The arts and crafts industry has the highest conversion rate at 3.39%

It’s important to note that even though the average eCommerce conversion rate is 1.76%, the different eCommerce industries have varying conversion rates.

7. 59% of online shoppers say that it’s important for them to be able to shop on mobile when deciding which brand to buy from

When buyers are in their decision phase, they like to use their phones to browse the different shop options before making a purchase.

8. MCommerce is predicted to rise at a 25.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) to hit 44% of eCommerce by 2024

The two main devices that are driving mCommerce (mobile ecommerce) are smartphones and tablets.

Using smartphones for eCommerce in the U.S. is predicted to increase from $128.4 billion (in 2019) to $418.9 billion through 2024.

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Referenced Sources:

Blog conversion rate statistics

Learning how to optimize your blog for leads and sales is crucial. Here are the top eight blog conversion rate optimization statistics.

1. Articles of 3,000 words or more get twice the amount of page views, as well as 24% more shares

Google’s algorithm prefers longer content — meaning that content length does impact an article’s SERP position.

2. Using anchor text CTAs in your blog posts can increase your conversion rate by 121%

Hubspot added anchor text CTAs to many high-traffic blog posts. As a result, its conversions increased by 121%.

Keep in mind that other factors such as email marketing efforts also affected this number.

Below, you’ll see an example of anchor text on Hubspot’s blog post.

3. Small blogs should post three to four blog posts per week, whereas large blogs should post four to five blog posts per week

Blogging should be a priority if you want to boost clicks. You’re 13 times more likely to see a positive ROI if you make blogging a part of your day-to-day duties.

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4. Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing methods, yet it generates three times more leads

By investing in content marketing such as blog posts, videos, and social media posts, you can increase both your brand awareness and conversions.

5. Using high-quality and optimized images in your blog posts could make you rank first in Google’s image search

Even if your blog post doesn’t rank first, you can still rank high in Google’s image search results if you use high-quality and optimized images.

6. A high content grade for a blog post strongly correlates with higher rankings

Improving your article’s content grade by just one could increase your ranking by one position. This may be because Google prefers more comprehensive content or because users are more satisfied with in-depth answers to queries.

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7. One compound blog post produces as much traffic as six decaying posts

Compound posts refer to blog posts that progressively see an increase in organic traffic over time. On the other hand, a decaying post is a post that gets traffic shortly after being posted but then sees a significant decrease in traffic.

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8. Blog posts that contain at least one list per every 500 words get 70% more traffic

Time and time again, it’s been proven that consumers love articles with lists. This is because lists are extremely easy to consume and more fun to engage with.

Blog Conversion Rate Referenced Sources:

Email conversion rate statistics

Email marketing is vital for the success of any business. Here are some of the most recent email conversion rate optimization statistics.

1. On average, businesses generate $36 for every $1 spent on email marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective and profitable forms of digital marketing.

By investing in email marketing, you’ll be able to continuously send offers to your email list — increasing your overall sales significantly.

2. Using a CTA button instead of a text link in your email can increase your click-through rate by 28%

By simply replacing your CTA text link with a button, your email won’t just look more appealing; it’ll also get more readers to click through to your offer/landing page.

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3. 39.9% of users open emails on their mobile phones

Only the first 30 characters of your subject lines are visible on mobile.

By making your subject line short and sweet, it’ll be optimized for mobile, which could increase your email open rate.

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4. Personalized emails generate an average ROI of 122%

There are several ways in which you can personalize your business’ emails. For example, you can segment your email lists according to locations, interests, customer journey stages, etc.

Additionally, you can include your subscriber’s name in the email.

5. Increasing your email CTR by 0.5% can result in a 25% growth in sales revenue

By increasing your email click-through rate through effective subject lines, you can enjoy much higher sales. However, keep in mind that your sales growth will depend on your specific target audience.

6. Globally, email click-through rates are the highest at 6 am

Additionally, global data also shows that the best time to send emails is around 4 am as the email open rate is the highest at that time.

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7. Birthday emails generate 3.42 times more revenue than general marketing emails

Sending personalized emails to your subscribers on their birthdays not only creates a great brand impression but also massively increases your revenue.

8. Automated emails perform much better than broadcast emails

ConvertKit’s 2020 email data from March through October showed that its broadcast emails had an open rate of 18.5%, whereas automated emails had an open rate of 27.7%.

Email Conversion Rate Referenced Sources:

Here’s what’s next

Using these powerful conversion rate optimization statistics to your advantage can drastically increase your online conversions.

Is your traffic declining? Are you not generating enough leads or sales? We’ve been growing businesses since 2009, let us do it for you!

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